Wednesday, October 29, 2008

mccloud part1

For this assignment I chose the comic Piercing by David Gaddis.  The link is This fits the definition of comics that Scott McCloud used in his book Understanding Comics.  To him comics are side-by-side sequential visual art.  This work by Gaddis exhibits that and that is what makes it a comic.  There are also other elements of the book that I see in the comic.  This first thing I noticed is the type of sequencing.  McCloud states that there are different ways in which a comic is sequenced. The first type I noticed the aspect to aspect one.  Here, as McCloud states, it "passes time for the most part and sets a wandering eye on different aspects.  You get this a lot in the first few panels of Gaddis' comic.  But Gaddis also includes other sequences too.  For instance he has action-to action which shows one action being taken place to the next action. Then there is subject-to-subject which is still staying in mind with the same scene or idea.   
I also want to talk about the time in between the panels.  Even though there is not a lot of moment-to-moment sequences  I was still able to read the comic in a continious manner.  I knew what was happening even though Gaddis didn't draw it.  McCloud talks about the theory of  this by saying that by the scenes showed we can determine what was not shown.  After reading McCloud I got a better understanding of comics and was able to guess more on what the author was trying to say.

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