Friday, November 21, 2008

looking back

Making this movie was an interesting way of connecting what we've learned in class to film and writing. The first thing that comes to mind is that film making is a technology that has been evolved from writing. This can be connected to an earlier reading assignment. Baron's idea is that literacy evolves. From stone tablets to paper to movies. I learned from making our film that movies are just words put on tape. Thus, in a way when we make films we are writing. It does not seem like it but thats because writing is changing to fit into the modern world. Writing's main goals are to spread knowledge and words. But now instead of doing this by paper and pen we are "writing" on film.
I also think that this assignment helped connect the ideas of writing and technology. In a previous assignment we had to make our own writing tools to prove writing is a technology. This was part of Ong's article on writing as a technology. This new assignment did the exact same thing. We wrote using a different tool than normal. As technology becomes more advanced we can think of new ways in which to write.
The thing about our film is that we actually did do a lot of writing. When I think of film the first thing that doesn't come to mind is writng. But during the movie making process over half our time was spent writing. The first thing we did was write our script. This helped us figure out what to say and what to put in our movie. It occured to me that writing is very important to films because if there weren't scripts movies would probably never be made. Then in the filming we wrote. Since we didn't want to just have a person talking we needed to show some action. Thus we decided to film one of our characters writing the examples we chose to include. Even while making a movie writing was always on our mind. We couldn't make the movie withour some, in our case a lot, of writing.

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